Choose your own adventure Google drive folder!
Cultural clips. How great!
I came across this cool site, that contains several audio recordings/with text readings for several of the grammar topics we cover. You can even listen at normal or slower speed.
There is also a cultural section and short story/myth section. Good proficiency builder you may want to use on a cold-snowy day..... it's coming!!!
During my Tech Extra Help hours yesterday I learned about Popplet. This would be very useful for a digital PBL activity that students could work on in groups. Also this can cross-over and integrate with our Thinking Maps initiative.
In any case, today's post (if you haven't seen it) is of a pretty cute little French girl talking about Winnie the Pooh, and if you DO have a few minutes to fill at the end of a class this week, we'll wager that your students will enjoy it as much as we all have.Winnie le Pooh en Français (skip the ad in five seconds).
Group Maker is a super simple add on you can use in Google Sheets. Once you have created the template (by copying and pasting your roster into the document given), you can use it as many times as you want to create groups of any size. To see more details you can visit:
Subject: Leap year en español
NYT--The importance of dictation in the success of French citizens..http://www.nytimes.
com/2016/05/12/world/europe/ in-paris-suburbs-adopting-a- dreaded-school-test-as-a-tool- of-integration.html?_r=0 7 JUEGOS para la clase de español:
7 must have games to keep up your sleeve and ready to play!1. ¡Caramba!: Numbers and Counting Game. To play: All students stand up and form a big circle. One person starts counting "uno." The person on their left says "dos," the next person says "tres," and so on. However, the players may NOT say "siete," multiples of siete (7, 14, 21, 28, etc.,) or numbers with a siete in it (17, 27, 37, etc.) Instead of saying these numbers the person must say "¡Caramba!" and the order then reverses! If you say the wrong number or do not say ¡Caramba! when you are supposed to, you are out, and the rest of the players continue. I love to play this if I have 5 minutes left of class or if the class needs a change of pace. ALL levels love this game!
2. Cucharitas: Vocabulary Game. To play: In groups of 5-10, place desks together to form a big table. Each player starts with 4 cards. They are looking for 4 of a kind (the Spanish word, the picture, the English word, the Spanish word used in a sentence.) For a group of 10, place 9 spoons spread out in the center of the table. (If you don't have spoons, use pencils.) There is always one spoon less than there are people. The dealer picks a card from the deck and passes one card to his left. The player to his left may keep the card or pass it to the player on the left. If they choose to keep the card, they must pass a card in their hand to the left. Everyone must always have 4 cards in their hands. Everyone passes the cards all at once. When a player finds 4 of a kind, they stealthy take a spoon and place it on their lap. They still continue to pass cards. When the other players notice that a spoon is missing, they must also take a spoon. The player without a spoon is out! The remaining players play again, until there is only one player left. A variation: the person who is "out" can get a point and continue to play. The player with the least amount of points wins. My students beg to play this game! Warning: the room does get very loud with all of the laughter!
3. La solterona: Old Maid Vocabulary Game. To play: Sit in a circle in groups of 3-7, and deal out all of the cards. Players look for a match (the picture and the Spanish word.) When players find a match, they place it face up on the table. Each player takes turns randomly picking from the person to their left. When a match is found, place it face up on the table. When a player is out of cards, he/she watches, and the remaining players continue to play until there is only one card left: la solterona! The player who is stuck with this card loses.
4. Las tripas del gato: Vocabulary Game. To play: in partners, players take turns drawing lines connecting the Spanish word with the picture or English word. The lines must not cross or go through words or pictures. A player wins when the other player cannot draw a line without crossing lines or going through pictures or words. This is actually a game played in many Latin American countries with pre-schoolers learning the alphabet. We have changed this to a vocabulary game, and our high school students love it! Even students who tend to be disengaged at times, request this game! To prepare: Select about 20 vocabulary words and randomly place the written words on a piece of paper. Then randomly place either the picture or the written word in English on the paper. Make extra copies because our students always want to play more than once!
5. Concentración: Vocabulary Game. To play: Place cards in rows face down (I number the back to give students more practice saying the numbers.) Each student selects 2 cards by saying the numbers. They are looking for the a match of the Spanish word and the picture, or the Spanish word and the English word. It's best played in groups of 3-10.
6. Ensalada rusa: Relay Game. To play: Teams of 4-6 players sit in a row. The first person on each team has the paper with rows of various categories. (I use nombre, capital, país, nacionalidad, color, parte del cuerpo, una cosa en la clase, un verbo, comida o bebida, una palabra de vocabulario.) The teacher selects a letter and writes it on the board. Each player must write one word in Spanish that begins with that letter in the box next to the category, and then pass the paper to the next person on their team. They may not tell each other what to write, and they may only pass one time without writing anything. When the team cannot write anymore, the teacher counts how many answers are correct without any errors, and gives back the paper to the team. The team can then work together to correct their mistakes. The first team finished with all answers correct wins, or the team with the most correct answers wins! This is a fun way to end the class on a high note!
7. Voy al mercado: Vocabulary Game. To play: Put the chairs or desks in a circle (with the seats open to the circle.) Each student sits in a chair with a pucture of the Spanish word. The teacher starts in the middle and says, "Voy al mercado y voy a comprar..." Then the teacher walks around the circle and continues naming the various items the students have. When the teacher names an item, the student with that item follow the teacher walking in a circle. When the teacher exclaims, "¡Y es todo!" everyone (including the teacher) must find a new seat. The person left without a seat is now in the middle and the teacher is out. Remove a seat every time someone gets out. The game continues until one student remains. A variation: To practice using different tenses, change the phrase to "Fui al mercado y compré..." or Si yo fuera al mercado, compraría..." o "Iré al mercado y compraré..."
7 películas fabulosas para la clase de español:
7 fantastic films to show in the Spanish classroom!1. El estudiante: This awesome, inspirational Mexican film, based on a true story, parallels Chano, a retired man who begins to study at the university, with don Quijote.
2. La leyenda de la Nahuala: An authentic, Mexican animated movie that takes place in Mexico during the Day of the Dead. A fearful, young boy named Leo must save his brother from the evil Nahaula.
3. La cosecha/The Harvest: This eye opening documentary produced by Eva Longoria follows the lives of three teen Latino migrant workers in the U.S., and shows the struggles and challenges that they and their families face each day as migrant workers. Two of the migrant workers are interviewed in English, and one is interviewed in Spanish. This documentary is great for all levels of Spanish.
4.Spare Parts: This Hollywood film is based on the true story of four undocumented high school students who form a robotics club and compete and win an underwater robotics competition against college teams from the best engineering universities in the country. A great introduction to discussions about undocumented workers and immigration issues in the U.S. This movie is in English, with a little Spanish.
5. La misma luna: Carlitos, a nine year old boy living in Mexico, embarks on a journey to find his mother who has been living in the U.S. for the past five years. This is another great film to open dialog about immigration in the U.S. This film is primarily in Spanish with a little English. This must see movie is a wonderful film for all levels of Spanish!
6. El libro de la vida/The Book of Life:
A beautiful, fun, animated American film written and directed by Jorge Gutiérrez. This is an epic love story that takes place in Mexico during the Day of the Dead. Two dieties make a costly bet on which of the two best friends, Manolo and Joaquín, will marry María. It is a great illustration of Mexican culture and traditions! Perfect for all ages!
7. McFarland, USA: Based on the inspiring, true story of a high school cross country team made of migrants from McFarland, CA who defy all odds and go on to win the state champions. This film is in English and stars Kevin Costner.
These films are a captivating way to introduce various cultural topics while expanding Spanish vocabulary and improving listening, writing, and speaking skills. All of these films are appropiate for high school, and some for middle school as well (La leyenda de la Nahaula, La cosecha, El libro de la vida, and McFarland, USA.) El libro de la vida is a fantastic film for all ages.
First Days of Spanish Digital Flip Book
You will need a free Google account to access the flip book.
7 Exciting Ways to Celebrate el Día de los Muertos:
7 fun activities for the Spanish classroom!
1. Play The Day of the Dead Board Game: An original, board game for students to learn and remember the celebration of el Día de los Muertos. To catch a glimpse of the game on YouTube, click HERE! Go to the market to buy the necessary items for your altar. Enter each store and answer a question correctly about el Día de los Muertos , Mexico, or Guatemala to receive the item. Be the first player to complete your altar and exit the market to win!
2. Make your own ofrenda: Have your students make or bring in the items for the ofrenda in your classroom or in a display case in the school. I like to include papel picado, una calavera de azúcar, una foto, cempasúchitl, un vaso de agua, pan de muerto, una vela, copal, frutas, and una cruz.
3. Día de los Muertos Activity Packet Have fun practicing Day of the Dead vocabulary and dichos with competitions in the classroom. Discover the secret message and Bingo are always a hit!
4. Read The Dead Díaz Family The perfect book for elementary school. My own children love it! Angelito's family is traveling to the Land of the Living for el Día de los Muertos. Angelito is afraid of the living until he makes a friend with a real living boy after getting separated from his family. Check it out from your local library or get it easily on Amazon.
5. Watch El libro de la vida/The Book of Life:
A beautiful, fun, animated American film written and directed by Jorge Gutiérrez. This is an epic love story that takes place in Mexico during the Day of the Dead. Two dieties make a costly bet on which of the two best friends, Manolo and Joaquín, will marry María. It is a great illustration of Mexican culture and traditions! Perfect for all ages! We have suggested this movie before because it truly is a wonderful film that all ages will love and learn more about the Mexican culture.
6. Make and decorate your own sugar skulls. I have ordered the sugar skulls already made, but it can be expensive. It's actually more fun to make your own! All you need is sugar and egg whites. Use about 8-9 cups of sugar and 3 egg whites. There are molds that you can buy, but my students enjoy molding the shape with their hands, like a grainy clay. Once the skulls are shaped, let them dry for a 3 days or more if you live where there is a lot of humidity. Then you can decorate them! We use paper, foil, sequins, feathers, glitter, and glue rather than frosting. I don't want the kids to eat their skulls; they are just for decoration, you can add them to your ofrenda!
7. Make and share Pan de Muerto. Last year I bought the Pan de Muerto online from They were quick and it was fresh and delicious, but this year I'm making my own! I'm going to try their recipe here.
I LOVE this celebration and all of the fun activities you can do with it! Can't wait for next week! ¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!
7 ACTIVIDADES culturales navideñas para la clase de español:
7 awesome cultural activities for the Christmas season!
1. Christmas Presentations. Each student selects a different Spanish-speaking country and researches Christmas traditions or cultural traditions that happen during this time of year (el Año Nuevo, el Día de Todos Inocentes, El Gordo, etc.) The student gives an oral presentation explaining the tradition, how it is celebrated, when it is celebrated, and why it is celebrated.)
2. Las Posadas. Our classes love celebrating las Posadas! This is a reenactment of José y María looking for shelter. This Mexican celebration begins December 16th and continues each night until the 24th. A group of people gets togetherand goes to another house or establishment. One person is dressed as María, another as José. Sometimes María rides a burro. This group of peregrinos knocks on the door and sings a specific song asking for shelter. The group inside sings back refusing to let them in. The song goes back and forth and eventually they are welcomed inside. The night ends with a piñata and hot chocolate. On Christmas Eve, the group usually ends in the town plaza at the church where the whole town celebrates together with tamales, hot chocolate, a piñata, and a mass. Our students look forward to celebrating las Posadas each year. One class begins as the peregrinos, with students dressing up as María, José, shepards, angels, and devils (I read that a town in New Mexico does this, and the devils intermittenly yell "No!") The peregrino group knocks at another Spanish class and together they sing the song. Both classes now go our third Spanish class as peregrinos and sing the song with the third class. On the last verse, we all walk through the hallways singing and finishing the song in the library where we have hot chocolate! Students can bring in battery candles or make paper candles to carry as they sing. One year I had a class and there were no other Spanish classes during that time, so I just divided my class into two groups and half of the class went in the hallway as the peregrinos.
3. Make your own Tió Nadal. Tió Nadal is one of the catalán gift givers in Spain. This common tradition is from Cataluña and Aragón, Spain. Tió means log in catalán. Nadal means Christmas in catalán. Tió Nadal appears on the doorstep with his traditional red barretina on his head looking for shelter. The family brings him in and places him under or near the Christmas tree with a little blanket to keep him warm. Each day, children walk by and "feed" him a little bit of food. Then they give him a good wack on the back, to help digestion. On Christmas Eve, the family sings the Tió Nadal song, while wacking him on the back with a stick. They take off the red blanket at the end of the song and reveal the little presents of turrón from Tió Nadal.
4. Christmas Trivia. Great to play in teams to see who can remember the different celebrations and traditions from the Spanish-speaking world. Beginning after Thanksgiving, the teacher gives the class a trivia question each day. Students write the question and answer in their notebooks. Before the winter break, the class plays a Christmas trivia game using the questions they have already talked about in class.
5. Christmas caroling. Put on your coat, hat, and scarves and go Christmas caroling to the younger grades, or carol around the school! Come back to the classroom and make Christmas cards in Spanish.
6. Christmas Food Celebration. Students research traditional Christmas food in different Spanish-speaking countries. The students make the food and bring it in to share with the class! They explain their dish in Spanish and how they prepared it. This could be done along with the Christmas presentations as part of the presentation, rather than as an option for extra credit.
7. Make your own ornament using MOLAS. Molas is the layering technique used by the Kunas Indians in Panama to create their own unique fabric. We have used the same technique with paper for students to create their own Christmas ornaments. Students love making the craft and bringing it home!
Tell your friends about the free resources they can get when they sign up, too. Here's the link to share:
free-french-spanish-lesson- plans/
Feel free to share these complimentary French resources with your students and colleagues:
Throwawayyourtextbook.comProficiency-Based ClassroomAt, the blog of this veteran Spanish teacher, you will find ideas and resources for running a proficiency-based classroom with or without a textbook. You can also get access to many free resources through the accompanying store, Spanish Sundries, which features high interest, interactive, and creative activities that both students and teachers will love.
Mis Clases LocasEngaging Comprehensible InputMis Clases Locas is the place to find resources for teaching World Languages with engaging comprehensible input, including teaching with novels. The author is a full-time Spanish teacher, sharing ideas, activities, reflections, and more for all levels of Spanish class.
Spanish with Sra. ShawProficiency-Based WL ClassroomsSpanish with Sra. Shaw is the place to find engaging resources for the proficiency-based WL classroom. Sra. Shaw, a middle school Spanish teacher, shares ideas to get kids interacting with language, culture, and authentic resources. Specifically, she is passionate about providing approachable content related to IPAs (integrated performance assessments), technology integration, classroom management, and much more.
For those of you looking to show a movie to your Spanish class, I found a fun one: Mortadelo y Filemón contra el cachondo (Spain).
Many movies students watch in class tend to be serious, but this one is a nice light movie that will make your students laugh and see that not all Spanish films are dramas. To make it a little more educational, I connect it to the idea of an antihero. Antiheroes are common characters in Spanish-speaking comics, books, and movies. My students found it interesting to learn about antiheroes (many of them were unfamiliar with the concept) and how they differ among cultures and languages.
It could also be great for lower levels to reinforce describing people, professions, verbs, you name it!
Just passing along an awesome free website I came across. It contains short listening comprehension recordings from a wide range of Spanish speakers and relevant topics. You can filter videos by level/grammar/topic/country/speaker/etc. You can show words as speaker is talking or turn off as well. There's a relevant vocab area and fill in the blank activity based on the recording.Perhaps a useful tool to promote spontaneous dialogue with a partner in class while exposing students to different native accents. Could do with laptops individually or in groups or as a class. Link is below.
7 Engaging Activities for the Spanish Classroom:
7 activities to keep your students actively learning!
1. Commercials!
Our students enjoy learning with authentic resources and feel proud of themselves when they understand! Commercials are a fun way to enhance a lesson and prompt conversation. Check out our free lesson with this M&M Will Levy commercial using the verb ser!
2. Songs! What better way to catch the students' attention than with an upbeat rhythm? Students will be singing along and forgetting that they are learning! We start with a cloze activity, followed by comprehension questions, discussion questions, and sometimes finish with a "mad libs" activity with the song. We know the song is a hit when the students download the song at home!
3. Keep the class moving! I like to use an ice breaker Busca a alguien que... for all levels of Spanish. It helps students get to know each other better and gets them up and moving. It's great when you see that the students need a change of pace (especially for longer 80 minute classes!)
4.Art! Use art to talk about any subject! Compare two works of art: works from a non Spanish-speaking artist and a Spanish-speaking artist. Examples of Carmen Lomas Garza's cultural scenes from her life growing up in a Mexican-American family in Texas pair well with Norman Rockwell's paintings. You can use art to practice a grammar point or vocabulary, and use as a writing or speaking prompt while exposing the students to famous works of art.
5. Films! Students look forward to watching films in class! We use different films for different purposes. Great cultural films include El libro de la vida, La misma luna, McFarland, USA, Spare Parts, El estudiante, La leyenda de la Nahuala, La cosecha, and Entre Nos. For listening comprehension and vocabulary building we love these films: Zootopia, La vida secreta de tus mascotas, Metegol, and Intensamente-Inside Out.
6. Read authentic material! We love Veinte Mundos for cultural articles about the Spanish-speaking world!
7. Play an interactive game! Our students love playing games! Our hands-on game is fun and really helps students learn! In Crea un monstruo, students race to create the monster according to the instructions. In another game, Viste a un monstruo, students race to dress the monster according to the instructions.
clock This website is helpful when teaching time. Just hit the dice and random times of the day appear!
El fútbol is an international language and can be used not only to infuse the classroom with culture but to bring people of all nations together and spark an intercultural dialogue. Under the umbrella of cinema, I want to discuss the use of the incredible commercials that swept through every television in the world. Below I have a list of favorites to share with you. Most are in Spanish but I did include French and I"m sure if you add your target language in a search engine you will be able to find additional material. If necessary, the volume could always be turned down and your students supply the language. Have fun and please share!!-
Gatorade | Heart of a Lio
Digital Narrative about Messi- great to inspire kids to do their own
Publicidad BBVA Banco Frances Argentina en Rusia 2018
Great to introduce of review Tener que expressions
Comercial TOTTUS - Mamás de la Selección Peruana de Futbol 2018
Mamas Peruanas
International Brands that students can look up, and use in assessments. Rexona, Naranja, Saladix, Guaraná
Comercial McDONALD´S - Sanduiches Campeões Copa do Mundo?? 2018
Comerciais GUARANÁ Antarctica Copa do Mundo?? 2018 - Claudio Caniggia y Papa Francisco
Nike Football Presents: Kylian Mbappé - Born Mercurial
Review Narratives and adjectives with Kylian Mbappé for NIKE
Don't forget the music of the world cup...
Colors - Maluma, Jason Derulo. Canción Oficial FIFA 2018. (Video Oficial)
Magic in the Air-
FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Official Promo | Magic in the air
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For 100 activities:
For amazing bulletin boards: From FLENJ jnZmNdY_playjsZdxJofCqs/mobile present?slide=id.g35f391192_00
For Spanish, this short film from Chile, No hay pan, could work for secondary level students.
I haven't found it with English subtitles but students can turn on the Spanish subtitles.
They wouldn't have to understand all the subtitles to catch the gist of the film. It's about the plight of the small business owner (the owner of an almacén) when the supermarket comes to the neighborhood.
No hay pan
The short film, Casitas, from Spain could also work. It's humorous / satirical and deals with the problem of high unemployment among the youth in Spain.
Link: Casitas
Vimeo remove preview
Casitas Short film "Casitas". Starring Mariam Hernández, Gorka Otxoa, Antonio Molero, Soledad Olayo, Akihiko Serikawa. Directed by Javier Marco. View this on Vimeo >
I created the Pinterest account and added 9 boards for POWRFL to use. At the moment, it is public. All the boards can be changed, added to, or deleted so everything is fluid. The web address is: Pinterest site for PWRFL (
- Here's a link to newspapers throughout the Latin America and Spain. You can use these for reading comprehension activities, or to simply have students find and underline/hightlight specific verb tenses/cognates/vocabulary/etc. I find this useful to encourage growth in the target language at any level.
- Spanish Resources
found this and wanted to share: